What sorcery is this!?!
Holy crap! It's a new Meet the Geeks comic! Yes friends, after an extended absence from the web, I, Brother K'Bob, who is sometimes known by the moniker of Corey Toews, have, in my infinite magnanimity, returned the comic from the dead and brought new light to your lives! Ok. Never mind that the comic is one that I drew some time ago and put up on my personal Facebook page back on, oh.... June 2, 2015. Mind you it looked a bit different. As you can see it's a wee bit different. Over the course of the last year I added some shading, blacks, and lettering. In the last few days I've been working at my laptop, trying to turn it into something that I can use to start producing comics with. My attempts to find some of my old programs went bust so I started researching workarounds. I never imagined that MS Paint, or rather Paint.net, an add on for Paint, could be a useful tool for doing comic art. While not as slick as Photoshop it's definitely...