Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Even back in 2007 I knew there would be troll’s. I knew exactly what those shite disturbers that you find on every website would be saying. They would be sitting at their keyboards, hat’s backward on their heads, White plastic framed sunglasses over their eyes and a sense of entitlement in their black little hearts, guffawing to themselves as they typed out their devious little message: LOL. YOU GUYS ARE GAY. YOU’RE SO FU**ING GAY! LOL! LOL! So why not beat them to the punch? Thing’s were moving right along here as we prepared to start on our first story arc, that of the Geek’s moving into their new digs. The tripod gag was actually written by Clay and inserted into the strip. I would like to claim responsibility for it but that zinger was all him. By this time Clay was getting more and more adept at the coloring and inserting other elements and I was, and still am, by the polish that his coloring jobs put on the strips. I’m going to have to brush up on my coloring skill...