Procrastinators Unite... Tomorrow,,,

One more from the politically incorrect pile. Hey, back in 2007 the word 'Tranny' still flew. Nowadays I would probably use 'Ladyboy' as the punchline.

This was an actual last minute comic that I submitted to Clay when he asked if I had an update for that week. I was at my folks place and quickly drew the stick figures in ball point pen on a piece of lined paper before scanning it and e-mailing it off to Clayton with the hastily written script and telling him to just put the same picture in all four panels.

It was Clayton's idea to remove Sean's mouth in the third panel which I think gave a nice beat before the punchline in panel four. 

This is in a way one of my favorite strips. I understand the simplicity that draws people to Cyanide and Happiness or XKCD. Simple comics that rely on the humor, dark as it may be, and not the artwork.

Not that I would ever put my gag writing in the same sphere as those comics. I'm simply not that much of a genius. I can admit it. I'm humble. 

I should point out for haters out there that myself and the geeks fully support the LGBTTQ* community. 

This comes as a mea culpa for this and the following strip. I might not be homophobic, but I ain’t politically correct either. 

We’re running down to the end of the original run of strips. Now I find myself looking at a sink or swim situation. There may be a pause after the final strips are published. There are a couple of strips that will be uploaded for interests sake. One great guest strip by an early supporter and beloved friend.

The blog will continue as we move forward into this year and as I work on getting caught up on the missed blogs on previously published strips. 

Much to do. 


~Brother K’Bob


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