Isn't it ironic, don't ya think...

Someone needs to school Alanis Morissette on irony, but there was a certain irony going on with this comic as well.

Aside from the Mystery Science Theater reference, behind the scenes I was falling behind on my duties as writer and artist of the comic and Clay found himself having to scramble to fill in, thus the Geekstery Science Theater was born. Four heads in silhouette taking the piss out of a movie.

Honestly, I wish I had thought of it.

Meanwhile I was still un-medicated and my depression was getting the better of me so nothing new was getting done on the comic from my end. I recall giving Sean and Clay some concern for my well being at the time.

It was around this time that the original comic started to really fall apart.

But, it's a new year and a new beginning! I want to thank everyone who's come back to check out the blog following the holiday break (because it was totally planned - yeah, right) and to assure you that the blog and the comic will continue in the new year. Check back as I get the blogs up for the past couple of comics in the coming weeks and where I will hopefully be getting some reviews up both from myself and maybe even from the other geeks!

I'm looking forward to the upcoming months! I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year!

~Brother K'Bob


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