Back in the Saddle

Yesterday was productive.

Yes friends and geeks yesterday good ol' CoreyGeek was kicking ass and taking names. Let me tell you a story.

It began with a simple comment to the WifeGeek that I wanted to spend a couple of hours sequestered in my basement studio working on a strip. The plan, or so I hope, is to get new comics going up weekly starting on the seventh of August, returning to putting new strips up on Tuesdays.

The WifeGeek agreed on one condition, that I have a new comic up by the end of the day. Well friends, sometimes that's easier said than done but I figured, I can do this.

I spent the afternoon working on a revamp of a previously existing strip, updating the artwork and working at my craft. By five I had managed to finish the four panel strip and just needed to come up with another strip by the end of the day. Fortunately I had a plan.

Going back to December, the wife bought me a cell phone. She had been playing Pokemon Go since it's release back in 2016 and I had struggled to understand the appeal. I liked the idea of a game that encouraged the user to get out into the real world and walk around but I didn't, at the time, have a way of checking it out.

So with my new mobile phone I downloaded the game and quickly found myself addicted. I suppose I shouldn't be shocked. It is fun and getting out to a park with the family looking for Pokemon is rewarding. I quickly came up with the idea for the comic and drew it out in one of my sketchbooks. And there it sat, never finished beyond being inked.

So when I needed a finished strip I just needed to pull the artwork out of my sketchbook - fortunately for me it has perforated pages - and scanned it into the computer. I finished up the border panels, speech balloons and lettering in an open source editing program which has become my preferred alternative to Photoshop.

I had to download a few plug-ins and fonts as I was working on the family computer rather than my laptop, but I managed to hammer out a the double paneled strip in a couple of hours.

Moving forward Meet the Geeks and SeanGeek's podcast, available on his website and Podbean will be creating new content and will have a Patreon account available (you have seen the button in the sidebar right?) with exclusive content and swag available to subscribers.

But the strip and this blog will always be free. So friends, keep coming back, look for new content and support the Geeks. We'd do the same for you.



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