Season 6, Episode 26 – Note For Note

Seanorama and
FastFretFingers debate what constitutes great live music: do you like music
that matches the album note for note, or do you prefer music that changes the
songs. From improvisational jams, beat changes, different intros and outros,
some bands change nothing from their album while others never play the same
song the same way twice. Radio edits are changes to song that soften songs for
radio: When Creep by Radiohead was changed for radio, one word completely
altered what the song was about. Some bands like Gwar need to adjust their
songs live because of their show. What does chemistry lie in bands that are in
tune and able to improvise and change their songs live on a whim?

They use the
examples of Confuschia, Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin, 16 Horsepower, Kiss, Red Hot
Chili Peppers, Radiohead, Gwar, Reverend Horton Heat, and the Tragically Hip.

#vinceneilvocals #16horsepower #ledzeppelin #kissalive #redhotchilipeppers
#radiohead #radioedit #reverendhortonheat #tragicallyhip

Season 6, Episode 26 – Note For Note


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