Deadpool 2 review by CoreyGeek

Colour me excited Geeks! I finally got out to see Deadpool 2 last night with the WifeGeek!

Here lies my somewhat biased review of the film.

A lot of reviews have complained that Deadpool 2 is simply more of the same which, while true, isn't really a bad thing. Yes it's more jokey than the first movie and breaks the fourth wall a lot more: "so dark... You're sure you're not from the DC universe?" our hero groans while fighting the time traveling cyborg soldier Cable, played to perfection by Josh Brolin. And yes they do make a Goonies joke.

The movie contains everything else the first movie leads you to expect. It's a love story. It touches on family, both genetic and the family you choose. It has an uncomfortably awkward regeneration scene. It also has a big bad that I didn't know was going to be in there. I won't spoil it for you. It's not this characters first appearance in the MCU films but the character is finally getting it's due.

The movie also touches on how violence begets violence in our society and how reaching out to those who find themselves marginalized, an act of kindness however ill advised, may turn the tide and bring the train of someones life back on the rails. The movie has a surprisingly deep philosophical message that, while not perfect, is welcome in a movie that relishes in bad behavior, poor decisions and excessive violence.

Colossus has a larger role and is a driving force behind the film. He gets a lot more to do in the final act of the film and engages in some decidedly un-Colossus like shenanigans in the final cringe inducing fight seen with the previously mentioned big-bad.

The standout performance was from Zazie Beetz playing Domino. She stole pretty much any scene she was in and swaggered throughout the rest of the movie like she knew it was about her all along. I'm pretty sure the WifeGeek might have popped a lady-boner for Ms. Beetz. Her performance was that good.

Look out ScarJo, there's a new lady ass-kicker in the MCU who's going to give you some competition.

Come to think of it I don't think I want to fuck with any of the MCU women.

The other standout performance is from plus-sized teenage badass Julian Dennison as Firefist and the central character to the plot of Deadpool 2. I'm really hoping the kid is featured in more films in the MCU. He's got a great sense of comedic timing and I think his character has a lot of potential with him behind it.

Of course Negasonic Teenage Warhead returns with new character Yukio who is unfortunately caught up in the controversy of Asian women and Hollywood hair who also appears as Negasonic's girlfriend.

And then of course there is Josh Brolin as Cable. I'll admit I was on Team Perlman when the casting call was put out. But Brolin's stony faced glare was perfect for the part and left me wanting to see more with him as Cable in the future and how he could fit into the MCU as a whole.

Will we see a Cable stand alone feature? I wouldn't doubt it.

And of course let's not forget  Dopinder whose transformation into a Kirsten Dunst quoting, full fledged psychopath continues unabaited.

And then there's this guy.

Overall I would call Deadpool 2 an overall worthy entry into the saga, building on the already firm foundation of the first film. It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, it'll make you cringe short all the things you would expect from a Deadpool film.

And stick around for the extra scenes where Deadpool... you know what just go! Go see the movie!


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