Season 5, Episode 5 – The reunion of Meet The Geeks

Very strong language. Sorry about that gang. SeanGeek, CoreyGeek and ToddFastFretFingers assemble! With special guests Clayton T Stewart and Mary, and James Remnant himself El Tigre, and Veronica.
-          Meet The Geeks – history and where it is going – what happened to Matt and who is Thomas
-          Clayton T Stewart’s Star Wars The Evil Within and the alumni panel at Keycon
-          Shill, shill, shill for, Kraken Rum, Rum Powered Reviews (10:22)
-          Shane’s arrival (Sorry for the weak audio)
-          CoreyGeek’s cancer scare and the real truths of depression
-          The definition of Geek and our Largod ( and his little comic with Sohmergod The Least I Could Do (
-          The future of Meet The Geeks


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