Season 6, Episode 3 – Kiss versus Kiss, featuring Danny Roy

In this all-star episode, Danny Roy and Seanorama talk about their top 5 Kiss Albums. With moderators CoreyGeek (from Meet The Geeks) and regular co-host Todd FastFretFingers, the boys talk about their love of Kiss, their introductions to Kiss and their top 5 Kiss Albums.

Special thanks to Decibel Geek for the germ of this idea.

#kiss #thunderfunk #dannyrocks #decibelgeek #thedivorcees #melaniemorgan #top5

Danny Roy – A musician formerly from the East Coast, he has been in the bands Thunderfunk, The Divorcees and the Melanie Morgan Band. Most notably for this episode, he is a member of the Kiss tribute band The Love Guns.
The Divorcees
Melanie Morgan

FastFretFinges – Todd is the man. Period.

CoreyGeek – Corey is the genius behind Meet The Geeks and not a Kiss fan.


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