Easier than a 3 year old girl....


Full disclosure time. This webcomic, the second in the series, earned us our first bit of hate mail. It originally ran on October 8th, 2007. 

While I never did see the e-mail in question Clayton assured me it was quite virulent, quite angry.

Coming at this from a more mature age I can see where it might be considered offensive. The emo kid was supposed to appear in several strips suffering abuse at Corey's hand, usually jokes about suicide well past the line of good taste. Truthfully past the line of even questionable taste. I had also planned for the kid to finally stand up to Corey and take him down a few pegs.

Overall it's probably just as well that never happened.

I've been dealing with depression, including suicidal depression, since a young age. I was that young, emotional, always angry kid who hid behind black clothes and angry music. Depression and anxiety is no joke. If not for medication to help regulate my moods I probably wouldn't even be here working on the comic again. It took a long time for me to admit that I needed help and honestly I'm glad I finally reached out. It was that depression that caused the first run of the strip to finally implode. 

So, here's our public service.

For Canadian readers, there's resources here: http://suicideprevention.ca/need-help/

Those resources include help lines and crisis centers.

If you are having suicidal thoughts please ask for help. Reach out to a teacher, counselor, friend, family, religious leader or even talk it out with the family dog. I'm not joking. Our dog was the confidant that got me through my teenage years. 

Remember, life is beautiful. 

~Brother K'Bob


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