A True Dark Lord Says...

We've already covered the true and terrible saga of Clay meeting his idol David Prowse so I won't be going too much into it here.

Spoiler alert: David Prowse was a total dick.

So this comic, as we imagined it, never came to fruition. Clayton and I had hoped that we would meet a jovial and accommodating David Prowse and he would say I'm a pretty, pretty princess which we would videotape and send to Jennie Breeden of the Devils Panties who would give us mad props and we would hopefully get some traffic on our site out of it.

Alas, it was not to be.

The Devils Panties strip that started it all was one where Jennie shared her birthday gifts that year.

It always makes me laugh.

There was a slight screw-up with the comic. In the last panel David Prowse was supposed to be saying "ach" not "ack". I know, he's Scottish, not Bill the cat. 

Blame Clay. It's all his fault. 

Yeah. That's the ticket. 

The guy in the second panel is Ed Ryzowski who used to write and draw a comic called Geek Tragedy. He's now a comic colourist and works with Blind Ferret Entertainment among other clients. 

~Brother K'Bob


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