Just not right...

This strip comes from a dark time in fandom. The days when a forty something porn star wannabe trolled the halls looking for victims. Her story has been told many places, such as in the papers. I won't get into the full details here but sufficive to say she managed to drag one of our own into her dark web.

This would-be porn starlet approached Clay about using his high end video camera to make a girls-gone-wild style video and porn where she would approach a group of young men at a local event and bring them home to video their coupling. 

Clay showed us the results one alcohol fueled night at Sean's old apartment.

It was not pretty. It was basically like watching a video of someone's creepy aunt seducing a bunch of his friends. Clay said it was one of the most surreal nights of his life. 

There is much to the story but I will cut to the chase. One of this woman's gimmicks was 'squirting'. Now, we've already touched on the reality of that little situation in the previous post regarding Clay's sainted mother Sandy (go back through the archives and read it if you want the details). Needless to say, this left the group of us feeling cold. And nothing about it could be considered 'right'.

The partnership with Clay and this woman and her husband (yep she was married and he was the second cameraman) did not end satisfactorily and was quickly cut off. 

Horrible. Horrible.

That is a dark chapter now closed. I may yet tell more of the story. 

But not today.

~Brother K'Bob


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