Meet the Geek Merch!?! Psych!

I knew the Syphilitic puppy gag would catch on! I just knew it! Hah! 

This was a comic done by Clay and, strangely enough, was a gag by Sean. 

See, Sean is the straight man, he's not the gag guy. So one day while in the car we were discussing the syphilitic puppy when Sean, out of no where, quipped "It hurts when I pee.... woof..."

Clay and I were left aghast at the fact that Sean had made a funny. It just doesn't happen. 

I suppose it wouldn't be hard to find a chinese manufacturer to produce a set of puppy plushies with a voice box that says "it hurts when I pee... woof". It could be done. It could be real merch some day. 

Perhaps the Syphilitic puppy will be making a re-appearance. 

What do you think geeks? Is there a market for it? Is the time right? Shall I spend my hard earned money, money that could be spent on feeding my children, on a gamble based on a joke in bad taste?

That certainly sounds like something I would do.


Stay tuned Geeks. We might yet make this a reality...

~Brother K'Bob


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