The trials and tribulations of meeting our idols

Poor Clayton.

We, the Geeks, had attended our first joint convention as a group of comic creators. For Clayton there was even greater excitement as David Prowse, the towering Scotsman behind Vaders mask, was going to be in attendance and Clay couldn't wait to meet his idol.

On the first day, while I held down the fort, Clay and Sean went over to David Prowse table to speak with him, take their picture and present him with one of our handouts.

There was also a plan to try to get him to say "I'm a pretty, pretty, princess" a'la Jennie Breeden of The Devils Panties.

As it turns out it was not to be.

I don't know if it was simply an off day or if he had just gotten sick of his lot in life, living off the fleeting fame of being the man behind a mask, but he was anything but pleasant with Clayton and Sean. His manner was standoffish and when presented with our handout he told Clay "I have no use for this".

Clayton was crushed.

Now, in all fairness, from other peoples accounts David Prowse had always been nothing but a gentleman so it would seem his behaviour was not the norm.

Nonetheless it left a sour taste in Clay's mouth for some time.

Flash forward to the following year.

We were again setting out for the convention. One of the name guests was Jeremy Bullock, otherwise known as Boba Fett. Again another alumni of Star Wars and another man that Clay was determined to meet.

Understandably he was a little apprehensive.

Setting out for Jeremy Bullock's table the tension off of Clay was tangible. 

Fortunately for all involved Mr. Bullock couldn't have been kinder. 

That's myself, Clay, Sean, Matt and Thomas with Mr. Bullock. He was gracious and that smile on Clay's face is real. 

It's always an iffy thing meeting ones idols. A simple bad day can ruin a love of a lifetime. But then there's also the meetings that can solidify a fans resolve and love of a series. For Clayton the meeting with Jeremy Bullock was one of those. 

~Brother K'Bob

Edit: I apologize for the quality of the colors on the comic. The colors on my laptop screen are off and so I didn't get a true feeling of what the finished colors would look like. I'll be working to resolve this issue. 


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